Life as a digital Avon Rep

This is my story on how I became a digital Avon Rep. I joined Avon in May 2018 as, what I would call, a traditional Avon representative, going door to door distributing the Avon paper brochure. I’m also a Avon sales leader which means I help and support other people to do the same as what I do. My day consisted of retail in the morning, out recruiting in my area in the afternoon and then phoning people who wanted to join Avon and coaching my team in the evening. I had joined a team which specialised in social media marketing but I didn’t consistently take the action that was required.

We then had the Coronavirus pandemic and we were in lockdown. Therefore my only choice was to become a Digital Avon Rep and work from home. So what did that involve, you may be asking? I knew the basics but that wasn’t enough but I needed to learn about social media marketing in more depth and the biggest thing was to take the action. 

Images of social media platforms to use as a Digital Avon Rep

My first job was to use the resources I already had. In other words, using existing customer details. I contacted every customer told them about my Avon online store and how they can browse the same paper brochure online. After that, I added them to a WhatsApp Broadcast and also added them to my mailchimp customer newsletter. I was now achieving something and it felt good.

Many of my Avon customers are elderly, therefore didn’t want to go down the route of buying from my online store so I was going to have to find new Avon customers. In conclusion, I had to turn to social media.


Facebook image to show this social media platform can be used as a Digital Avon Rep

The first step was to look more into Facebook marketing. I already had a business page and a group but they were not fully active. Therefore, I changed the name of my group to Angie’s Beauty World VIP customer group. I post around 3 times a days with a mixture of interactive, quote and product posts. There are 2,549 members and the amount of active members has grown from around 600 to 1700. I also post daily on my business page sticking to the rule of 80% added value and 20% sales. My next step is to learn to create videos and to go live more often. This is way out of my comfort zone but then that is where the magic happens.


The next social media platform I’m using is instagram. I didn’t realised there was so much more to it than just posting a photo. I’ve been learning about hashtags, finding your ideal followers, creating a bio and how to write captions. This is a work in progress.


Next is pinterest. Pinterest is a way for users to visually share and discover new or existing interests by pinning your own posts or repinning other people’s pins to your boards. This is my next training course that I’m going to be doing. I’ve been pinning photos into boards with links to my website and gaining some follows. I’m sure there is a lot more to learn.


Finally there is wordpress which is how I am writing this blog. This type of thing is again, way out of my comfort zone. I’m not a creative writing so it’s taking me awhile to come up with ideas. Even so, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my experience of becoming a digital Avon rep 

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