Avon Sales Leadership

Avon Sales Leadership in a nutshell means helping others to be as successful as you are by literally showing them what you do as an Avon Representative, it’s that easy!

In doing this, you will grow your Avon business by building your own team! There is no limit to how far you can go in building your own team of Representatives, the more Reps you have in your team, the more your earnings will grow!

Along with your own personal commission that you still receive as a representative (up to 32% of your Customer Sales), you can also earn cash rewards and a % of your whole team’s paid sales!

Avon Growth Plan

As you can see from the table above, the bigger your team, the more money you earn. The earnings are unlimited. It’s up to you how much time and effort you want to put into your Sales Leadership journey.

First Time Promotion Bonus

This gives new Sales Leaders an extra incentive to grow their team quickly and achieve the different levels of Leadership. It is a fantastic way to earn extra cash while your team is expanding. The cash reward is paid directly into your bank account at the end of the campaign. Your upline will also get the equivalent amount aswell for mentoring you.

Business Builder Bonus chart

If you are already an Avon representative, please speak to your upline

To join Avon www.angiesbeautyworld.co.uk/join-avon-online

To buy Avon www.avon.uk.com/store/angiesbeautyworld

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